
A podcast providing information and inspiration for the modern recruiter. Each week as we interview recruiters across the world, listening to their take on what they find meaningful and important about recruiting, the tools they use every day, what they see as the relationship between technology and recruiting, and much, much more. If you're looking to increase your knowledge and effectiveness as a recruiter, join us each episode, wherever you download your podcasts.
How should you present opportunities to your candidates?

How should you present opportunities to your candidates?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View Podcast Here [https://anchor.fm/deephire-podcast/episodes/Chris-Lalli---Gambit-Technologies-e8vuqr] A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Higher pay, bigger impact, and accelerated personal and professional growth? Seamless transitions, and no difficult changes to be made on anyone's behalf? Sign today! Everybody wins! What do you do though, when the benefits of
2 min read